Reiki is a non-invasive healing where the Universal life force is channelled through the therapist to the recipient hereby working towards the path of realisation.
Reiki strengthens the immune system.
Reiki stimulates personal growth.
Aids relaxation and reduce stress.
Karuna is a Sanskrit word used in Hinduism and Buddhism. Karuna translation is any action that is taken to diminish suffering of others
Karuna heals on a cellular level, releases cellular memory thus healing trauma.
Karuna assists with healing the heart, developing unconditional love and compassion.
Karuna assists with healing addictions, increases motivation for self improvement, spiritual growth and assists on manifesting goals.
Angel Healing ® 'Angel' comes from the word Angelos which is the Greek word for messenger. The fifteen Archangels I am attuned to have many attributes
Releasing stress, balancing and understanding emotions
Inspiration, mental clarity for exams and projects
Manifesting all one needs for their path
Transmuting all that no longer serves
Caledonia touch for Massage, shamanism and holistical healing in Aberdeen